safeREACH FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

How does the alarm system work? Can I connect a fire alarm control panel? What happens in the event of an alarm if the app is not installed or the internet fails? In this FAQ section, we answer important questions about our system.

In our FAQ you will find the most important questions about safeREACH. We will also help you personally with any questions you may have. Please contact our support team at +43 1 375 75 75 70 or send an e-mail to


In the event of an emergency, safeREACH automatically alerts all key personnel and provides you with comprehensive support in emergency and crisis management, such as the distribution of information.

In contrast to tedious alerting with phone lists, with safeREACH you alert with one click via the app or via our user interface on the desktop/in the browser.

The alerted persons receive the alarm via app, SMS, or email and can immediately give feedback.

In addition, checklists and documents can be stored in safeREACH, which are available immediately after the alarm has been triggered.
To coordinate quickly with everyone, you can communicate securely and quickly via group messages or connect immediately with all participants using the telephone conference function.
Hotline management allows you to temporarily deactivate the company’s own hotline, redirect it to an emergency hotline and have an individual text read out.

At the end of the alarm, you receive a detailed, audit-proof log that you can save as a PDF.

A 24/7 emergency hotline is available to you. You help us decide which features we will implement in the future – we regularly incorporate features requested by customers into our product. This gives you a system that is not only intuitive and reliable, but also based on the experience of international experts in emergency and crisis management.

We support you in numerous use cases: From alerting the on-call team manually in emergencies such as an accident and in serious crises when the crisis team is convened, to automated alerts via the fire alarm panel or via other interfaces.

Two examples: Zellstoff Pöls uses safeREACH for alerting in case of industrial accidents and for crisis team alerting. Erste Group Bank AG alerts 300 evacuation helpers and security officers in the event of an evacuation. Numerous customers use safeREACH for automatic alerting as soon as a sensor is triggered, e.g. when a threshold value is exceeded.

safeREACH consists of the app with which you can trigger and receive alarms, see feedback, work through checklists, send group messages and take other coordination measures.

In addition, the web interface is available for administrators to manage the system.

Also, the cockpit is available to manage alarms. The cockpit is an intuitive interface that you can use to process and coordinate your alarms. Here you can access scenarios quickly and easily and trigger a scenario with just one click.

It can be called up via the browser, can be used independently of your operating system. Two examples of the cockpit’s area of application: At the porter’s workstation or in the crisis room for coordination and information distribution.

Yes. You can start your free trial anytime. The free trial is free of charge. Your test account will be tailored and prepared exactly for your application. We support you during the test period.

In the live demo we will show you how safeREACH can best support you in your use cases. We’ll invite you to a virtual conference call in which we will answer all you questions about our system and demonstrate the safeREACH user interfaces to you.


You don’t need any extra hardware. You can use safeREACH immediately on your smartphone and computer.

Yes. You can connect any fire alarm system with safeREACH. We would be happy to check whether we can connect your fire alarm system directly or whether it requires preparatory work.

Yes. You can access our system via a REST API and also use it to synchronize your participants.

Yes. safeREACH supports both operating systems.


safeREACH enables you to alert all colleagues with just one click. You can do this with so-called scenarios. Scenarios contain the participants to be alerted, information about the alarm, checklists and much more. You can trigger these scenarios online via our cockpit or via the app. Automatic triggering via the fire alarm center or triggering by phone call is also possible.

After you have triggered a scenario, all participants are automatically alerted via app, SMS, e-mail and phone call.

After the alert, you can see the feedback in real time, communicate with all alerted people and take further measures via the app or the cockpit.

safeREACH has several fallback channels. safeREACH notifies you via SMS, phone call and email without the need for an app. If there’s no internet connection, you will be alerted immediately by SMS and a phone call.

Yes. You can send a reply by SMS and answer with “Yes” or “No”. Your answer will be displayed in the same way as if you had given feedback in the app. Any text can also be attached to the response via SMS.

Yes. As soon as an alerted person confirms or delines the alarm, you will see their reply in real time.

The alarm is signalled immediately after you have triggered a scenario.

Yes. An email can trigger a scenario. Also, the email can be parsed to trigger a specific scenario.

Yes. You can also start the alert per SMS.

Yes. You can also start the alarm by phone call.

Yes. safeREACH enables you to combine participants to groups and alert them.

Yes. In the app it’s possible to “be absent” and turn the app in silent mode. However, an administrator can configure safeREACH so that participants are always alerted loudly.

Yes. You are also alerted when your smartphone is in silent mode.

Yes. You can observe the replies in real time on the app or in the cockpit. Additionally, a protocol is automatically created. In the protocol, all the details about the alarm are accessible.


Yes. We conclude an Order Data Processing contract with every customer and service provider according to Art. 28 DSGVO.

The servers are located in Frankfurt and Vienna. The data processing takes place in the European area.

Yes. We support SSL encryption using the TLS v1.2 protocol.

Yes. The alerting server is redundant and located in multiple data centers in Frankfurt.


Your safeREACH account will be set up according to your requirements. It will be activated no later than two working days after you contact us.

Yes. A 2-4 hour training is free of charge and is included.

Yes. Our support team is available via phone or email. Additionally there are comprehensive manuals for using our system.


Yes. Our hotline is available from Monday to Friday. We also offer a 24/7 emergency hotline.

Yes. In our web interface there are comprehensive guidelines and quick-start-instructions available.

Reliable alarming and crisis management with safeREACH

Find out how you can use safeREACH for better emergency and crisis management in your organisation. We will show you the benefits of using safeREACH.

Michael Mayer von safeREACH

Michael Mayer

Chief Product Officer and Customer Support