Legal Notice
safeREACH GmbH
Getreidemarkt 11/10
1060 Vienna, Austria
Legal form: GmbH (lc)
Registered in: Vienna
Place of jurisdiction: Commercial Court Vienna
Sales tax identification number: ATU 55261200
Company registration number: FN 224416z
Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
Supervisory authority according to ECG: Magistrate of the City of Vienna
Trade regulations available at
Phone: +43 1 375 75 75 70
Fax: +43 1 375 75 75 88
Object of the company
Alerting, emergency and crisis communication
The information published on this website is checked with great care and updated at regular intervals. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the data provided. Errors, typesetting and printing errors reserved. This also applies to external websites to which reference is made by means of external links. safeREACH accepts no liability for the content of these linked websites.
The content and design of the website are subject to the copyright of safeREACH GmbH. Any use of the data is only permitted with the written consent of safeREACH GmbH.