Lenzing AG

Lenzing referenz safereach

Fire on the premises of Lenzing AG: Successful use of safeREACH

safeREACH proved to be a reliable partner during the fire at the Lenzing AG plant near Voecklabruck, Austria.

On 19 April 2024, a fire broke out at around 8.30 a.m., triggering a fire brigade operation. The fire was quickly brought under control thanks to the rapid alerting and intervention of the plant fire brigade. The operation was finally brought to a successful conclusion at around 3 pm.

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"We used safeREACH right from the start and it did a valuable job in raising the alarm and handling the scenario. It was definitely one of the reasons for the rapid success."

Günther Friedl-Asamer

Emergency Response, Fire Safety & Security Manager at Lenzing AG

Company fire brigade was able to react very quickly and prevent the fire from spreading

Lenzing AG has a company fire brigade that reacted quickly after the outbreak of the fire due to a rapid alert and thus prevented the fire from spreading.

A total of 7 fire brigades were involved in the operation, which successfully brought the fire under control and thus prevented serious damage. One slightly injured person was taken to hospital, but was soon able to leave.

Daniel Winkelmeier, press spokesman for Lenzing AG, also made it clear that there was no danger to neighbours or the environment at any time. Furthermore, the fire did not spread outside the plant premises.

safeREACH did a valuable job for Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG relies on the crisis management and alerting software from safeREACH in order to be able to react quickly in an emergency.

Thanks to safeREACH, it was possible to quickly raise the alarm in the event of a fire on the factory premises and work through the prepared scenarios step by step.

4 questions to Günther Friedl-Asamer

We spoke to Günther Friedl-Asamer, Emergency Response, Fire Safety & Security Manager at Lenzing AG, about the incident and the use of safeREACH.

Interview zur safeREACH Erfolgsgeschichte

How did safeREACH support you during the fire on the factory premises?

safeREACH was primarily used to alert the company fire brigade and the crisis team. This enabled us to get all available people to the scene as quickly as possible and swiftly start containing and extinguishing the fire. We then worked through the predefined scenario and gradually got closer and closer to the successful completion of the operation.

Would you say that safeREACH contributed significantly to the successful handling of the fire?

Yes, definitely. Thanks to safeREACH, we were able to alert the emergency services and the crisis team immediately after the fire was reported. This enabled us to start working through the scenario without any major delays. This stopped the fire from spreading further, which also prevented potential further damage.

Which function was particularly helpful for you?

The most important thing for us was to know how many people were available and coming to the site. Thanks to the simple option of providing feedback, we were able to see at a glance in the safeREACH app who could come and join the team.

In addition, all communication between the incident command and the crisis team took place via safeREACH. This makes it easy for us to record and document the incident, which saves a lot of work.

Did safeREACH fulfil your expectations during use?

Yes. safeREACH has done exactly what it is designed to do.

Reliable alarming and crisis management with safeREACH

Find out how you can use safeREACH for better emergency and crisis management in your organisation. We will show you the benefits of using safeREACH.

Michael Mayer von safeREACH

Michael Mayer

Chief Product Officer and Customer Support