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Reliable alerting for every emergency | For more than 20 years

Text Alert System

With safeREACH, you can alert quickly and reliably via app, SMS, call and e-mail.

Benefits of the safeREACH text alert system

App and SMS alerting for all devices

A alarm is triggered via our app, the cockpit or via an external interface. Immediately, all participants receive a digital alarm and / or a text on their iOS or Android device.

Instantly reach your team

An app and SMS alert is ideal for quickly convening your team. It is immediately apparent which participants have already given a reply.

Maintenance free 24/7

safeREACH is completely maintenance-free for you and independent of your infrastructure.

Trigger alarm app

Alerting via app and SMS

What you can do with safeREACH

  • Alert internal and external employees, key persons as well as consultants without cumbersome telephone lists with just one click.
  • You can demand that the participants accept or decline the alert.
  • Communicate immediately with all key persons via the chat function within the safeREACH app
  • Connect safeREACH to other systems via an external interface.

The app and SMS alerting in detail

safeREACH reliably alerts via the app and via SMS

Multi-channel alerting

With our app you receive an alarm directly on your smartphone. In addition to the alarm via the app and via SMS, an alarm via phone call and e-mail is also possible.

Delivery confirmations

You can see immediately if the SMS information message or alert has been delivered. In addition, all participants can give a reply.


After an incident, you can track in minute detail what happened, when it happened, and how it was responded to.

Never miss an alarm

If no alarm is possible via the app, an SMS is sent automatically.

"Automatic alerting in the event of an incident allows our control centre personnel to focus on essential tasks such as coordinating the tunnel evacuation instead of working through telephone lists."

Florian Aelfers

Employee at ARGE H51, Brenner Base Tunnel

The SMS alert for info, incidents, emergencies and crises

Imagine an accident happens in your company. Without a reliable alarm system, valuable time is lost, which potentially increases its detrimental effects.

With safeREACH, you trigger an alarm with one click. In the first step, our alarm server alerts via the app. If the safeREACH app is not present on a specific phone, an SMS is sent immediately. If the app is installed but there is no internet connection, an alert SMS is sent out automatically.

The alerting always works in real time. The alerted person can immediately give a reply to the alarm and react to the accident.

Reliable alerting and crisis management with safeREACH

Find out how you can use safeREACH for better emergency and crisis management in your organisation. We would be happy to show you the benefits of our trusted systems.

Michael Mayer von safeREACH

Michael Mayer

Chief Product Officer and Customer Support