Best practice Taylor Swift concert: Preventive cancellation and evacuation in the event of a terrorist threat

Concerts by Taylor Swift in Vienna did not take place
Danger of terrorism! All three Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna, which were scheduled from 8 to 10 August 2024, have been cancelled. One day before the first show at the Ernst Happel Stadium in Vienna, two people were arrested. They had concrete plans to attack one of the Taylor Swift concerts in the coming days. One of those arrested swore an oath of allegiance to the current leader of the Islamic State (IS) on the internet at the beginning of July. During house searches, chemical substances and explosive devices that could be used to build a bomb were seized. He later confessed: a terrorist attack had been planned.
Although, according to the authorities, the real threat was minimised by the arrests and seizure of various materials, the organiser Barracuda Music played it safe. All three of Taylor Swift's Vienna concerts with a total of around 185,000 expected visitors were cancelled as a preventative measure. For many fans, this was the end of a dream, which also had financial consequences for some despite the reimbursement of ticket costs, as travel and hotel costs are not refunded in most cases. However, such situations are not easy for the organiser either and require good crisis management and good communication. The decision was made in favour of prevention as the best form of protection for everyone involved.
In our best practice, we take a look at how the crisis management of concerts in the event of a terrorist alert could look with the use of safeREACH. What tasks could the alerting and crisis management software take on? What would be the optimum procedure? What advantages would result from its use?
We also take a closer look at the evacuation of major events, such as the Taylor Swift concerts. What contribution can safeREACH make if there is an acute threat of terrorism during a show? With the safeREACH alerting system, not only can relevant people be alerted internally, but visitors can also be warned and informed in just a few seconds in the form of a mass alert.
Best practice: safeREACH in use in the event of a terrorist threat before the start of a concert
Concerts such as those of Taylor Swift in Vienna or anywhere else in the world are long-term projects for which both the artists and everyone else involved prepare for a long time. This also includes security concepts and emergency plans, which are necessary for optimal preparation for a wide variety of scenarios.
Then the day of the event approaches and suddenly the cards are reshuffled: terror threat. Bomb threat. Amok alert. Concrete plans for a possible terrorist attack become known and the situation has to be reassessed. As an event organiser, communication, specifically the collection and distribution of information, is particularly important. safeREACH offers event organisations the ideal solution with its digital crisis room.
Information is exchanged in the digital crisis room in order to make the best possible decisions based on the available knowledge. On the one hand, ready-made documents and checklists for cases such as bomb threats or terror alerts can be stored and ensure a structured approach.
On the other hand, up-to-date information can also be optimally distributed. For example, if the authorities report arrests and attack plans at a concert - as was the case with the Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna - the information can be made available to all relevant people in the digital crisis room.
The entire team can exchange information in the group chat and is always informed of updates. All events in the crisis room are documented with a time stamp and automatically logged with all details in the reports. This documentation can provide valuable services after the event. Be it for the internal processing of the incident, for possible improvements for the next event or for claims from external parties. You can prove and trace exactly when and what information was available and how decisions were made.
The safeREACH crisis room provides event organisers with the most important tools for avoiding escalating crises and making the right decisions under the right circumstances. The crisis team can also be convened in just a few seconds with safeREACH.
Best practice: Evacuation of major events in the event of bomb threats and terror alerts with safeREACH
If a concert is cancelled in advance because there was information about a possible terrorist attack in good time, that's one thing. However, if this information is only available a few hours or minutes before the start of the event, the scenario is completely different. In the case of the Taylor Swift concert in Vienna's Ernst Happel Stadium, around 65,000 spectators would then have to be safely evacuated. But how can an evacuation of so many people be carried out quickly and safely under tense conditions?
Here is a best practice for a controlled and rapid evacuation of a stadium:
- Recognising and assessing the danger
As soon as the security forces on site recognise a potential terrorist threat, the incident command is informed. They assess the situation and decide whether to evacuate the stadium immediately. - Immediate alerting
The safeREACH alerting system is activated to immediately send warnings and evacuation instructions to all security staff, employees, emergency services and possibly also visitors. Visitors can also be warned directly via smartphone. This is done via various channels such as SMS, email, push notifications and voice calls to ensure that everyone is reached. - Communication of evacuation instructions
Evacuation instructions are also communicated via the stadium's loudspeaker system and digital displays to inform and reassure visitors. - Coordination of the evacuation
The security staff and stewards guide visitors to the nearest emergency exits in a structured manner. Evacuation takes place in blocks to avoid panic and crowds. - Guidance to safe areas
During the evacuation, it is ensured that all escape routes and emergency exits are clear and well lit. Visitors will be directed to safe assembly points outside the stadium where they can receive further assistance. - Medical care and support
First aid stations will be set up at the assembly points to provide medical care and psychological support to help traumatised visitors. - Continuous information
To keep visitors continuously informed, regular updates on the status of the evacuation and further instructions will be provided through loudspeaker announcements and information points in the assembly areas.
safeREACH can make an essential contribution to the evacuation process
Fast and targeted alerting
- Mass notification: safeREACH can immediately send mass notifications to all visitors, employees and emergency services.
- Multi-channel communication: use SMS, email, push notifications and voice calls to ensure everyone is reached.
Coordination of the emergency services
- Real-time communication: Enables the emergency services to communicate with each other and with the incident command in real time.
- Resource management: Distribution and management of resources and emergency personnel via the system.
Data and situation reports
- Real-time situation picture: Provision of a real-time situation picture for the incident command.
- Analysis and reports: After the incident, safeREACH can provide detailed reports and analyses on the implementation of the evacuation.
Integrated emergency plans
- Predefined scenarios: safeREACH can save predefined emergency scenarios and evacuation plans and implement them quickly when activated.
- Automated processes: Automated processes and procedures start immediately to ensure a fast and efficient response.
Reassurance and information for visitors
- Consistent communication: Through consistent and clear communication, safeREACH helps to avoid panic and keep visitors calm.
- Continuous updates: Providing continuous updates and information to visitors.
Evacuating a stadium when a terrorist threat is recognised shortly before the event begins is a challenging task that requires a fast, coordinated and effective response. An alerting system such as safeREACH can play a central role in this by enabling fast and targeted alerting, supporting the communication and coordination of the emergency services and providing continuous information to all those involved.