What does FORDEC mean?
FORDEC is a method for decision-making. This principle comes from aviation and is also abbreviated to FOR-DEC. Other names are:
- FORDEC Methode
- FORDEC model
- FORDEC rule
- FORDEC cycle
- FORDEC scheme
1.666 alarms per second
safeREACH as your powerful emergency notification system with up to 100.000 alarms per minute. Successfully used by multinational corporations, medium-sized companies and public authorities. ISO-certified server infrastructure.

What does FORDEC stand for?
The word FORDEC is an acronym. It is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters. What do the individual letters stand for?
F – Facts
What are the facts? Each member of the team answers this question alone. Each individual then presents their findings. This creates a comprehensive picture of the overall situation. This step is extremely important because it determines what needs to be paid attention to.
O – Options
The options. In this step, all participants consider the options arising from the facts. How do you react to the current situation?
R – Risks and benefits
Now comes the evaluation of the options. A list of pros and cons is drawn up for each option. The options are then compared. The individual options or risks and benefits should be discussed in a group.
D – Decision
The decision. The facts have been clarified, options worked out and advantages and disadvantages assessed. Now it’s time to make a decision.
E – Execution
Execution. Now, it is important to allocate responsibilities and tasks.
C – Check
Control. Execution without control is like a football match without football. It must be regularly checked whether the measures are working. If the situation requires it, the course must be changed. Don’t forget: Things change and so do plans, especially in crises.

FORDEC is a method of decision-making
Over 20 years of experience in alerting
IT alerting, fire alarms, alerting company first responders and much more. ISO-certified server infrastructure. Used by SMEs, corporations, authorities and public organisations.

3 tips for using the FORDEC method
It is important to use FORDEC correctly in practice: This tool is often used, but unfortunately in the wrong situations. Therefore, please note the following tips:
- Pay attention to whether a decision has actually already been made: Because then you don’t need an additional, structured procedure.
- Use this method if a decision needs to be made quickly and there are no additional guidelines or checklists.
- Clarify where the priorities lie in the decision and only then start implementing it.
FORDEC for decision-making
FORDEC can be used optimally for decision-making. It is a tool for looking at a situation from different perspectives. The structured approach ensures an optimal response to crises. The alert app from safeREACH also enables a quick and structured approach
1.666 alarms per second
safeREACH as your powerful emergency notification system with up to 100.000 alarms per minute. Successfully used by multinational corporations, medium-sized companies and public authorities. ISO-certified server infrastructure.