Update: Format checklists, configuration via PDF + automatic termination of scenarios

At the end of 2022, there will again be a number of new features for our alert system. Here we provide you with an overview of the new functions and how you can benefit from them.
These new functions are available
In the fourth quarter of the year 2022, as usual, all app adaptations and updates were made to the current versions of the Android and iOS operating systems. In addition, there are also some new functions, which we present to you below.
Checklists can be formatted better
Our checklists now have mark-down support, making it easier for you to format checklists to your liking.
Depending on whether headlines or the text should be displayed in a certain way, you now have the choice yourself. You can decide yourself about bold text passages or italic headlines in the checklists from the safeREACH alerting system.
Overview of configurations as PDF
Companies have to comply with a wide range of verification obligations. For this reason, you need a simple and quick way to document the configuration of the various scenarios.
With safeREACH, you can create your own configuration PDFs after the last update, in which the process including all associated information of each individual scenario is displayed. Companies are thus well prepared for audits and can show all the configurations of the scenarios in the alarm app.
Automatic termination of scenarios
For some of our customers, in certain situations, only the alerting itself is of great importance. A good example is winter service, where it is often just a matter of alerting people and having confirmation of the response. The alarm then had to be terminated manually or after a certain period of time in the past.
The update makes it possible to end alarms automatically when all alarmed persons have given feedback.